Friday, August 8, 2008

It's about that time again.

Oh displaying my ego online, pontifications on a note of somewhat mute stance? So, as of Today I have completed my Advanced Diploma in Computing from Oxford University. which was enough to get me into a Masters Program at the University of Liverpool. That's right what normally takes 6 to 8 years here takes only 3 in the United Kingdom, well they did pretty much invent the modern university standards used by most if not all north American schools. Which all in all makes me question the Merit of our Canadian Educational System on a whole. You see for those few of you that actually read this already know; I never finished high school, High school and me never got along that and teachers don't like bieng told they are wrong :D; not because I was not intelligent enough but because I was lazy, plain and simple. Mind you I had my share of excuses but an unstable home environment would be the primary cause of my litany of failures as a student.

This notion that I must have finished high school to further my education kept me from entering both university and college. I completed my GED with Algonquin in 2002. At the time all programs wanted me to enroll full time for an extra year, The only university in Canada that would recognize my work and experience in Information Technology was Western and even then they wanted full course prices for any credit given in an equivalency manner. I applied to Algonquin in 2002 they lost my application, and I gave up. I was looking at it and everywhere I looked we required 4 years for anything of merit (3 years for a Bachelor of Science with 1 for Honors).

Now the Program from Oxford is designed to catch people like me and teach us Systems and Requirements Engineering; very useful for my field since I act as a project manager half the time anyway, that and the evolving software market will have us outsourcing any work of value anyhow. 1 year and $5300 later (did I mention they might even buy my plane ticket to the awards ceremony in March?) and they give me a 60 Credit Equivalent 3rd year diploma from one of the Oldest institutions on the planet. I can't find anything even remotely that good here.

Now as for Masters applications, having experienced University of Phoenix's crap before for all of six months I decided that this time I'm going with Reputation, I want first class paper since it's going to be expensive in the first place. Within our program at Oxford the Tutor's MADE the course, as in not only did they make the projects and assignments but they also helped us in selecting our places of higher education thereafter. It's too bad Oxford does not have an online masters program, So I applied to University of Hartford (one of the best polytechnics in the U.K.)and the University of Liverpool. Since these were the only two major online programs available to me.

Here's the funny part, the University of Hartford wanted me to do a Bsc in Compsci before going into my MSc, that's an extra year so all told a 3 year program to the tune of $22K. (MSc is 12K+Bsc is another $10K). They still have not gotten back to me on my application, as it's august and everyone and their dog is on vacation.

Around the same time I was contacted by Admissions from the University of Liverpool. They had an exclusive application representative work with me, which was nice. Here I am trying to create my admissions and here is what sounds like someone with TONS of sales experience helping me apply. Needeless to say I have been accepted for my Masters studies at the Unversity of Liverpool, I sent all the same information to both institutions, Liverpool not only accepted me but is also way more expensive. ($30K CDN).

On a side Note I did make an informal application to the Queens Cambridge Executive MBa program offered here in Ottawa, they accepted me even before I completed my Advanced Diploma however their cost was way out to lunch ($73K). Upon recounting this story to a good family friend and retired school teacher he asked "How can they justify that cost for a one year program?" I currently know one person enrolled in that program whom is receiving federal sponsorship as he is employed at the c-level in the public sector he has stated that it's a "World Class MBa". Which makes me believe that our civil servants get way too much for tuition money, but I digress.

So for 36K all told I'll have a masters in Information Technology Security, I'm hoping to do an MBa as well. I figure I'll be able to put the following letters on my card "Adipl. MSc ITS. MBa. ...(insert certifications here)" Not that I'm a fan of showmanship but when I expect to charge in excess of $100 / hr for my services I want my clients to know what they are getting.

I still refuse to use it as a signature for my e-mail on principal, hell I don't even include my certs in e-mail now for a good reason, I like to engage my cohorts in an even playing field manner to allow their opinions to come out unabated so I may utilize them in consideration of all factors when looking for solutions.

So back to my point. Education in this country is overpriced, under-subsidized and not as competitive as other places in Europe like say France or the U.K. but why is that? These are the countries that the largest portion of Canada's population descended from, as a result do we feel that University should take 4 years? what's the principal? Is it an institution of higher learning or another method to babysit our teens as they mature?

We have first rate arts and sciences programs, however our engineering is world renowned with schools like Waterloo garnering fame from companies like RIM. Hell Carleton named their school after a man whom is one of the best Hedge fund managers in North America. yet the MBa there is only 10K.

Schools are cheaper for local students the U.K. Numbers above are for myself as a foreign student. Which brings me to my point;

Since when did education here take such a turn as to become non-competitive with other global middle power economies? It was unaccessable for me as an individual unless I had corporate sponsorship and even then why should my employer or business fork over close to $100K for time spent at the feet of those in business?

Like Mr. O'leary states "What about the Money?" the payback for any investment to be considered feasible is two years. I can afford $30K over 3 years, i cannot afford $73K over five. and I am in a middle upper class income bracket with corporate sponsorship. Even then I can barely grow my business with things the way they are now. So I am off to a cheap school that's been around for over 100 years, then maybe I'll hit up Carleton for an MBa after submitting my Dissertation for a Phd. to a few hundred non local institutions. The reson for that is so i can teach what I have learned. The reason for the MBa is so that I am taken seriously by my peers when I put forward my ideas that require funding.

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