Monday, August 13, 2012

Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

On the  topic of biometrics the goal is to use a machine readable component of your physiology as a component of the means to repudiate you as an individual to a machine and its systems.  As part of very strong authentication; a password is something you know; a token is something you have and biometrics are generated by something you are.  As with any system of repudiation the accuracy is inversely proportional to the cost. The cheaper it is; the less accurate metrics it can generate and thus the more susceptible to exploit it can be. 
Biometrics rely on two key pieces of data and generate errors based on whatever it is they are scanning; the False Acceptance Rate and False Rejection Rate (FAR and FRR) are at odds with the identification mechanisms often being used due to the fact that increasing the accuracy of any of these systems means increasing the cost of said system. 
Figure 1: FAR & FRR of Biometrics

The Cross over error rate (CER) is often used as the primary factor in determining both the authentication of the given metric as provided and its accuracy as a system. The (ISC)2[ii] also provides within the same page an overview of this Accuracy in terms of odds of an error when conducting a scan. 

Biometric Crossover Accuracy

DNA Sequencing

PCR is error prone[1] and expensive.

Retinal Scan
Vascular Scan (Ultrasound or infrared on Hand or Finger)
Iris Scan
Facial Recognition
Hand Geometry
Signature Dynamics
Voice Dynamics
Figure 2: CER Rates of Common Biometrics

The (ISC)2 has identified that the method used to access a system should be determined by the level of sensitivity of the data contained on that system; further to this that valuation should be used as the primary metric used when establishing acceptable expenses for access to that system. The cost of biometric systems is proportional to their accuracy, the most common biometric used today is the fingerprint reader; this is due to the low cost of producing them coupled with the accepted biometric culture of fingerprints; since they have been used by police for over a century. It is also the cheapest biometric available; this means it’s the most likely to be exploited; the same methods used to lift finger prints from a crime scene can be used to fool a fingerprint reader; weather Its capacitive or optical. Using these characteristics the capacitive type is the most deployed due to cost and also the most easily fooled.

DNA scanners at this time are too unreliable and the process is too error prone to be used; however rapid sequencing technology is currently being developed by various competitors as a means to scan for hereditary health issues.[v] The one true biometric identifier for humans is DNA; however Twins have similar DNA; A true unique biometric trait for every human is Vascular Structure; it even differs between twins as it is a function of a person’s growth.  Although vascular scans of any type are the most accurate and the hardest to fool since they often take a pulse; they are also the most expensive to implement as they may require medical grade equipment in the case of Retinal Scans or near filed infrared in the case of thermal hemoglobin images. Palm vein scanners have existed commercially since 1997[vi], Retinal scanners have been around even longer; however they are optical cameras adapted from Optometry and Ophthalmology.

Another potential biometric is the nature of a behavioral trait; these include Gait Analysis, Typing analysis and any repeated generated behavior; touch typists have very consistent flight and dwell times on keyboards and these are dependent upon a learned skill they may vary over time but generally one’s typing speed once taught and learned remains within a given range; Since each user is unique their typing patterns can be akin to a signature; and the traditional fields of Signature analysis in addition offer further behavior options however the issues here again are around cameras that are used to conduct these various procedures; or the sensors used themselves.

Ultimately all  authentication systems use or are based upon electronics and electrical equipment, thus regardless of the biometric used often within the chain of access control the wires used to interface with the access point in question and it’s mechanical retaining mechanisms such as an electric door strike or similar magnetic locking mechanism. More often than not these wires are configured to be accessible by maintenance staff and constitute the easiest method to circumnavigate a bio-metric when dealing with access control; although you’ll be hard pressed to “hotwire” an electrical strikelock without being noticed by local security personnel if they are present.

Common Methods of Compromise

Many a great murder mystery has been produced where the protagonist is framed by the lifting and placing of a single finger print. Notable examples include using gummy-bears and the grease print left by the finger in conjunction with water vapor of ones exhaled breath (Leyden, 2002)[vii]; although most scanners now measure ambient humidity or take a picture as a means to prevent this; Homemade gelatin molds seem to work best as they have a similar capacitance to skin; one other method is to use a “Latent” fingerprint harvested from some device or the environment of the subject in question to create the mould required. (Sten, Kaseva, Virtanen)[viii]; This method showed 100% success, this combined with the very public nature of peoples work environments means that finger prints are no measure of security that does not preclude a well-motivated attacker the ability to create a fake finger that fools the scanner; Other scanners that integrate thermal and vascular structure do an excellent job of increasing the overall security of the device however most laptops sold today use a capacitive fingerprint scanner due to the low cost.

The availability of made to order contact lenses with printed elements have given rise to digitally printed imposters of irises that only require a high resolution picture of said iris. With improving photographic elements and the availability of social media this is actually easier to obtain than previously thought.  Using open source intelligence methods pictures of individuals on line and the fact that resolutions are continuing to increase it is not beyond the realm of a motivated individual to harvest pictures based on public profiles and use or determine iris composition by some educated guess work and the use of some  recently demonstrated advances.  A team security researchers recently demonstrated that even the 200+ point scan comparison algorithm used by iris scanners may also be fooled by subjecting it to a database of computer generated irises; although this was an exercise that only involved images it demonstrated that the software algorithm used to match our eyes to a stored value is vulnerable to such manipulation. (Zetter, 2012)[ix]

The common themes amongst methods used to exploit biometric authentication systems are as follows:
  1.  Use a fake object as a replica of the real object to fool the sensor.
  2. Leverage weaknesses in the sensors implementation of the algorithm used.
  3. Manipulate the Conditions of the Environment
  4. Avoid the entire process of authentication & authorization
  5. Manipulate the process of authorization such as committing help desk fraud.
In an ideal world entrance to a secure area would contain a mantrap with armed guards and a multi-factor authentication point with at least one behavioral trait; one token (such as a key fob) and one biometric of either the retinal or near infrared or thermal heat map of a vascular property such as palm or finger vasculature scans or similar information where each device contributes one component of authorization and authentication to the whole system.   

Economical and fast DNA sequencing does not exist however once it does any twin would have to require all other components in addition to being a twin may be considered a false positive. Gait analysis would require high resolution video and the use of machine learning systems to know the identity of the person as they walk; Sports injuries, changes in muscle tone or health would affect the accuracy of gait analysis. Facial geometry again requires the video and software whereas the use of typing analysis only requires an LCD screen, keyboard and a computer, as well as software.

The investment into the systems used to authenticate people against the computer systems   they use as well as the areas they access can be considered as increasing the value of the information generated and encourage workplace safety but reminding individuals that they can be held to account for any and all actions in the work place.  


Figure 3: The three standard bodies of Authentication

As stated often by many security professionals and pundits alike. A password is “something you know”; A fingerprint is “something you are”; A key card, smart card, token, fob, usb-key, with a certificate is “something you have”. This Venn diagram does not contain behavioral traits as these systems are in their infancy and are well beyond the cost of most organizations; there are also privacy concerns around their use.  When we state “Two factor” authentication the intent is to pick two of the above domains and develop a system of authentication that uses them. RSA’s use of Smart Card enabled FOB’s with one time passwords are an excellent example of something you have and something you know; Crypto-Card has a system that generates their own seed files on site.   

A smart card with a chip on it that contains biometrically encoded data that is inserted into a reader along with a hand geometry, Iris, fingerprint or retina comparison is an excellent example of something that you have, something you know and something you are; however without extending the biometric to include some real-time data such as “Ambient temperature”, “Pulse Rate”, or even the “Smell” or other relevant information about the “Something you are” then as Schneier previously stated the sensor in question may be fooled or the authorization process may be open to abuse (Schneier, 1999)[x]. 


There is a trend now to rely on the Trusted Platform Module (A controlled chip) to store and protect the systems integrity and confidentiality or on a Virtual Smart Card service; TPM’s store cryptographic keys, passwords and hashes of secure configurations of the device in which they operate; Virtual Smart Card services store smart card certificates locally.  Although TPM’s offer a degree of security they are a component within the system that you are authenticating to; the idea of presenting a token to a system is to authenticate you a user to a given system. The act of presenting this token weather it’s a password, smart card, finger-print is an improvement to the security posture of the device only so long as the user knows how to treat the token.  

The systems and tokens should always be separate; when was the last time you left the key in the deadbolt of the front door of your home and called it secure?  

A TPM may be the equivalent of a two foot thick steel reinforced concrete door; but any explosives expert will tell you that just means more time and money for explosives are needed; or a little more engineering is required; Thermate does wonders to steel and concrete when detonated correctly.  

The unification of the authentication mechanism with the system is a reduction in security posture; having the separate token should always be the standard when dealing in sensitive systems.  Thus when a loss event does occur the perpetrators only have one half of the required system to attempt a compromise; any attempt at unauthorized access would require both the key whatever it may be and the system.  This concept is at the core of what it means to have “two factor” authentication.  

Where biometrics may be stored on some kind of smart media; so long as the media is controlled and has a good documented policy and lifecycle including physical destruction; in so far as the systems user hold the card that contains the data that makes up their fingerprint or iris then we may even alleviate some of the privacy concerns around controlled access to that biometric data; as it is highly sensitive.

The systems protections used must always be commensurate with the level of sensitivity of the data in that system. The higher the sensitivity the greater the need to have two factor or greater authentication and associated protective mechanisms; The cost may seem large however the value offered far outstrips the initial pain on purchase when you can definitively control access and develop a foundation for dual custody within your authentication and authorization infrastructure.  You may answer such questions like who did what with which data where accurately; can you answer that one today?

As for personal devices; when you consider what you store on them simply ask yourself “How much do I value my personal information and data? What are my movies, pictures and music worth to me?”  You may quickly discover that your personal information is far more valuable than you previously thought; It often has the weakest protective mechanisms of all data you deal with on a daily basis, this is indicative of the lack of consumer value where security mechanisms are concerned; it’s also why many consumers view security features as an encumbrance on functionality.


[1] PCR Error rates depend upon the technology used to amplify the DNA obtained in the sample and can be as high as 40% per 1 kilo-base pair; the final mixture of DNA that is sequenced may be a “Close” match; but not an EXACT copy.

[i] Tipton, Harold F. (Auerbach Publications 2011) Offical (ISC)2 guide to the SSCP CBK P.21 ISBN: 978-1-4398-0484-1
[ii] Tipton, Harold F. (Auerbach Publications 2011) Offical (ISC)2 guide to the SSCP CBK P.21 ISBN: 978-1-4398-0484-1
[iii] Lula, A; DeSantis M; (Unviersity of Bascilica, August 2011) Experimental evaluation of an ultrasound technique for the biometric recognition of human hand anatomic elements. [Online] World Wide Web, Available from: (Accessed on July 25th 2012)
[iv] Williams, Mark (MIT Technology Review, May 2007) Better Face Recognition Software [Online] World Wide Web; available from: (Accessed on July 25th 2012)
[v] N.a. (Archon Genomics, Xprize Foundation, 2012) Express Scripts 100 over 100: Archon Genomics Xprize Informaiton Page [Online] World Wide Web, Available from: (Accessed on July 25th 2012)
[vi]Jain, K. Anil; Ross, Arun; Prabhakar, Salil (IEEE, Transactions on Circuts and Systems for Video Technology, Volume 14, Number  1, January 2004) An Introduction to Biometric Recognition [Online] PDF Document, Available from: (Accessed on July 25th 2012)
[vii] Layden, John (The Register, May 2002) Gummy bears defeat fingerprint sensors Sticky problem for biometrics firms [Online] World Wide Web, Available from: (Accessed on July 27, 2012)
[viii] Stén, Antti; Kaseva, Antti; Virtanen , Teemupekka; (Helsinki University, 2003)  Fooling Fingerprint Scanners - Biometric Vulnerabilities of the Precise Biometrics 100 SC Scanner [Online] PDF Document, Available From: (Accessed on July 27th 2012) 
[ix] Zetter, Kim (Wired, July 25th 2012) Reverse-Engineered Irises Look So Real, They Fool Eye-Scanners [Online] PDF Document, Available from: (Accessed on July 27th 2012)           
[x] Schneier, Bruce (CACM, 42, 8, August 1999) Inside Risks 110 Biometrics: Uses and Abuses [Online] PDF Document, Available from: (Accessed on August 13th 2012) 

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